Documenting large XML Schemas and WSDL with FlexDoc/XML


FlexDoc/XML is a tool for development of high-performance and quality documentation/report generators from any data stored in XML files.

Unlike many other tools in these field, the focus is not to generate some short documents (like invoices) or typical business reports, which are basically a table or histogram representation of some rows and cells coming from an SQL-query. Rather, the focus of our tool is data mining in multi-file XML data sources for some complex relationships and representing them in a human-readable form – that is some kind of transformation of XML data into something that humans can read and easily navigate.

The original idea was inspired from XSL Transformations – to extend the XSLT-like approach to any kind of Java based data-sources supplied by various APIs. If you think a bit, what all those APIs provide, you may notice that essentially it comes down to a network of some primitive data items involved in various association or aggregation relations. That everything can be mapped on some XML elements/attributes and you've got a DOM, which can be operated with various things invented around XML.

As a result, we have developed a programming framework (now called FlexDoc.XYZ), in which a particular Java API datasource is represented through a special driver as a virtual XML document – Datasource Model. The transformations are made by special templates that serve the role similar to XSLT scripts. However, in addition to the task of collecting data and iterating by them, our templates are particularly focused also on the output they generate – complete HTML and printable documentation laden with reach formatting, hyperlinks and, possibly, special images/diagrams generated from the obtained data. That everything is programmed with various template components and their properties. The templates are developed using a graphic Template Designer, which represents the template components visually in a form resembling the output they generate. Further, the templates are interpreted by the Template Processor, which takes on input the Datasource Model and produces the result documentation.

Basing on that framework, we developed a tool called FlexDoc/Javadoc that mimics standard Javadoc. It takes the data from Doclet API, represents them as a virtual XML document and transforms it into a Java API documentation. But then we realized that XML itself is also a good field for application of our technology full of various heavy-lifting tasks, for which XSLT seems too lightweight, for instance, the generation of easily navigable single documentation by lots of XSD and WSDL files. So, FlexDoc/XML was born complemented with two template sets – XSDDoc and WSDLDoc.


In the age of Big Data and IoT, the information processed with computers may be characterized not only by big volumes but also by big diversity. The diversity means complex relationships between particular data items. That translates into complex data structures. Currently, XML provides the most advanced means to formally describe any complex data structures. That is W3C XML Schema language (XSD). XML schemas may be large and need to be documented so as to let people easily navigate them.

There are quite a lot of various XML schema documentation generators. Every XML IDE has one. But all of them are typically lightweight and suitable for documenting rather small XML schemas (mostly the XSD file open in the editor). Even if they are able to pull and document together all referenced XSD files, the documentation they produce tends to be a huge gibberish file not so much more navigable as those raw XSD files themselves. But when you need to document an XML schema made of thousands of components, you may find yourself in a territory quite desolate of any tools at all.

FlexDoc/XML XSDDoc provides a solution exactly for that case. It is a template set for DocFlex/XML, which implements a high-performance universal XML schema documentation generator with the following key features:


WSDL is an XML-based language to describe web services. By itself, it is a rather simple language. But it uses XSD to describe its data types, that is, the structure of pieces of XML, with which the web-service communicates. So, each WSDL file is also a container one or several XML schemas, which themselves may import or include a bunch of other XML schema files. That immediately makes WSDL very difficult to document, because a proper WSDL documentation generator must: That, of course, is difficult to implement. So, for a rather long time throughout the WSDL existence, there was no any meaningful WSDL documentation generator at all. Those that appeared later are either targeted to document only some refined web-service features (typically provided by some standard API handling WSDL, without much details about involved XML schemas) or those lightweight ones built into XML IDEs and able to document just a single WSDL file open in the editor (the same as they do with XSD – by producing some gibberish HTML that is difficult to navigate).

FlexDoc/XML WSDLDoc is probably the only WSDL Documentation Generator able to do everything listed above – that is to document together any number of WSDL files along with all contained/referenced XML schemas etc. It is currently the second large template application for DocFlex/XML, which was derived from XSDDoc. So, it inherits all features implemented in XSDDoc as well.

For completeness, here is the list of all important features of WSDLDoc:

What are templates?

In a typical programming parlance, templates are meant for some kind of light-weight programming, a notch higher than patterns. The quality things are supposed to be coded in a universal language like C++ or Java. But once a particular application programming field (like GUI) becomes complicated enough, you won't do much with a universal language itself and just empty hands. So, some kind of framework typically arises, a library with some specific classes and procedures. It brings in some new concepts and its own programming layer. While using those things, you nominally remain coding in your universal language, actually, almost all you do with it is just the creation of some specific controlling structures and the processing of some events required by that application-field framework. All of that represents actually the programming in a complete different level of semantics, however packed in the universal-language form.

A disadvantage of that approach is that although from the framework's point of view you may be doing quite mundane things (like programming of some GUI dialog with a few labels and input fields), that is almost impossible to automate with some specialized programming tool (e.g. graphic designer) because the corresponding coding constructs related to the particular framework's components cannot be reliably extracted or modified automatically within the universal-language code. (Since being universal means a Turing-complete thing, which implies that a programming semantics expressed in it cannot be universally understood by a finite algorithm).

For programming of GUIs that may be OK, because a typical separately-working unit of a GUI (e.g. some window or dialog) is built of no more than a few dozens of components. But when the application field is such that any serious autonomous unit (e.g. a generator of complete HTML documents) must be made of hundreds or thousands of specialized components, creating and coordinating all of them with some universal-language classes and coding may be close to impossible.

In that case, the only way to go with the framework any further is to get rid of the universal-language coding altogether and to replace it with a specialized programming medium that naturally expresses all the framework's concepts and components. What that programming medium may be? We see only two possibilities here:

The last approach is what the FlexDoc.XYZ templates are.


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