FlexDoc/XML - XSDDoc - Parameter Tree
About XSDDoc parameters

«Details | Schema» parameter group
This group of parameters controls the content of the Schema Overview page/block that can be generated for each XML schema being documented.Whether the Schema Overview is actually generated is controlled by the parameter:
- Generate Details | Schema
- Pagination | Start from new page | Schema
Parameter | Name / Type / Description |
doc.schema.profile : boolean
Specifies whether to generate the Schema Profile section, which includes some general information about the XML schema. Nested Parameter Group:
doc.schema.profile.targetNamespace : boolean
Specify whether to show the namespace URI targeted by the schema.
This is the value of |
doc.schema.profile.version : boolean
Specify whether to show the XML schema version.
This is the value of |
doc.schema.profile.components : boolean
Specify whether to show the number of components by their types defined in the XML schema. |
doc.schema.profile.formDefault : boolean
Specify whether to show the default namespace-qualified form for local elements and local attributes defined in the XML schema.
These are the values of |
doc.schema.profile.blockDefault : boolean
Specify whether to document
This attribute specifies the default value of Nested Parameters:
doc.schema.profile.blockDefault.value : boolean
Specify whether to show the actual value of the
Note: |
doc.schema.profile.blockDefault.meaning : boolean
Specify whether to include the text explaining the meaning of the |
doc.schema.profile.finalDefault : boolean
Specify whether to document
This attribute specifies the default value of Nested Parameters:
doc.schema.profile.finalDefault.value : boolean
Specify whether to show the actual value of the
Note: |
doc.schema.profile.finalDefault.meaning : boolean
Specify whether to include the text explaining the meaning of the |
doc.schema.profile.location : boolean
Specify whether to show the location of the XML schema source file (or URL). How the file location is displayed is controlled by the parameter groups:
doc.schema.profile.relatedSchemas : boolean
Specify whether to show the lists of other XML schemas that this schema imports, includes and redefines. |
Description |
doc.schema.desc : boolean
Specify whether to include the XML schema description.
The full description text is obtained from all
Related Template:
<xs:documentation> elements found by the following path:
<xs:documentation> elements produce separate sections of the description text.
See also the "Descriptions | XSD Annotations" parameter group, where you can specify how annotations are processed and displayed. |
doc.schema.comps : boolean
Specify whether to generate summary tables of global components and local elements that are defined in the given XML schema. Nested Parameters:
The parameters in this group control what type of components are included in the summary. |
Elements |
doc.schema.comps.include.elements : boolean doc.schema.comps.include.element.local : enum {"all", "complexType", "none"} doc.schema.comps.include.complexTypes : boolean doc.schema.comps.include.simpleTypes : boolean doc.schema.comps.include.groups : boolean doc.schema.comps.include.attributeGroups : boolean doc.schema.comps.include.attributes : boolean
Specify whether to generate component summaries for particular components types. Default Value:
doc.schema.comps.sorting : boolean
With this parameter you can specify the sorting order of components. The parameter has the following meaning:
doc.schema.comps.profile : boolean
Specify whether to include in the summary item the Component Profile section, which shows some general information about the XSD component. The exact content of the Component Profile is controlled by the parameter group:
doc.schema.comps.desc : enum {"full", "first_sentence", "optimal", "none"}
Specify if the component summary item should include the component description and which part of it.
The full description text is obtained from all
Possible Choices:
<xs:documentation> elements found by the following path:
'xs:component' is the particular XML element that defines the component (e.g. xs:complexType ).
See also the "Descriptions | XSD Annotations" parameter group, where you can specify how annotations are processed and displayed. "full"
doc.schema.comps.model.tableRep : boolean
Specify if the component summary item should include the Content Model Table (i.e. possible attributes and child elements) defined by the component). The exact content of such a representation is controlled by the parameter group:
doc.schema.xml : boolean
Specifies whether to includes in the Schema Overview the reproduced XML source of the whole XML schema. Nested Parameters:
doc.schema.xml.separate : boolean
Specify whether the XML schema source must be placed in a separate HTML file. Some XML schemas may be large enough. When XML source of such a schema is included in the «Schema Overview» page (along with the schema description and component summaries), that page becomes difficult to manage in a web-browser. This parameter allows you to split it into two pages:
doc.schema.xml.box : boolean
Specifies if the reproduced XML should be enclosed in a box. |
doc.schema.xml.remove.anns : boolean
Specifies whether to remove all
You may want to exclude the See Also Parameters: