FlexDoc/XML - XSDDoc - Parameter Tree

About XSDDoc parameters

«Details | Schema» parameter group

This group of parameters controls the content of the Schema Overview page/block that can be generated for each XML schema being documented.

Whether the Schema Overview is actually generated is controlled by the parameter:

Generate Details | Schema
See Also Parameter (only for SingleDoc.tpl):
Pagination | Start from new page | Schema
Related Template:
Parameter Name / Type / Description

Schema Profile

doc.schema.profile : boolean

Specifies whether to generate the Schema Profile section, which includes some general information about the XML schema.

Nested Parameter Group:

Controls what exactly is included in the Schema Profile section.
Related Template:

Target Namespace

doc.schema.profile.targetNamespace : boolean

Specify whether to show the namespace URI targeted by the schema.

This is the value of 'targetNamespace' attribute of the <xs:schema> element.


doc.schema.profile.version : boolean

Specify whether to show the XML schema version.

This is the value of 'version' attribute of the <xs:schema> element.


doc.schema.profile.components : boolean

Specify whether to show the number of components by their types defined in the XML schema.

Default NS-Qualified Form

doc.schema.profile.formDefault : boolean

Specify whether to show the default namespace-qualified form for local elements and local attributes defined in the XML schema.

These are the values of 'elementFormDefault' and 'attributeFormDefault' attributes of the <xs:schema> element.

Default Block Attribute

doc.schema.profile.blockDefault : boolean

Specify whether to document 'blockDefault' attribute of the schema (<xs:schema> element).

This attribute specifies the default value of 'block' attribute of <xs:element> and <xs:complexType> elements defined in the schema.

Nested Parameters:

Specify how to document the 'blockDefault' attribute value.


doc.schema.profile.blockDefault.value : boolean

Specify whether to show the actual value of the 'blockDefault' attribute.

Note: Empty or blank value will be ignored (treated as no-value)


doc.schema.profile.blockDefault.meaning : boolean

Specify whether to include the text explaining the meaning of the 'blockDefault' attribute value.

Default Final Attribute

doc.schema.profile.finalDefault : boolean

Specify whether to document 'finalDefault' attribute of the schema (<xs:schema> element).

This attribute specifies the default value of 'final' attribute of <xs:element> and <xs:complexType> elements defined in the schema.

Nested Parameters:

Specify how to document the 'finalDefault' attribute value.


doc.schema.profile.finalDefault.value : boolean

Specify whether to show the actual value of the 'finalDefault' attribute.

Note: Empty or blank value will be ignored (treated as no-value)


doc.schema.profile.finalDefault.meaning : boolean

Specify whether to include the text explaining the meaning of the 'finalDefault' attribute value.


doc.schema.profile.location : boolean

Specify whether to show the location of the XML schema source file (or URL).

How the file location is displayed is controlled by the parameter groups:

Show | File Locations
Default Value:
Provided by the parameter: Show | File Locations

Related Schemas

doc.schema.profile.relatedSchemas : boolean

Specify whether to show the lists of other XML schemas that this schema imports, includes and redefines.

Description doc.schema.desc : boolean

Specify whether to include the XML schema description.

The full description text is obtained from all <xs:documentation> elements found by the following path:
Multiple <xs:documentation> elements produce separate sections of the description text.

See also the "Descriptions | XSD Annotations" parameter group, where you can specify how annotations are processed and displayed.

Related Template:

Component Summary

doc.schema.comps : boolean

Specify whether to generate summary tables of global components and local elements that are defined in the given XML schema.

Nested Parameters:

Specify the types of the components to be shown in the summary tables, the ordering of the components and which information must be displayed about each component.

The default values of these parameters are provided by the parameter group: Details | Fragments | Component Summary

Related Templates:
elementSummary.tpl, complexTypeSummary.tpl, simpleTypeSummary.tpl, groupSummary.tpl, attributeGroupSummary.tpl, globalAttributeSummary.tpl



The parameters in this group control what type of components are included in the summary.

Local Elements
Complex Types
Simple Types
Element Groups
Attribute Groups
Global Attributes

doc.schema.comps.include.elements : boolean
doc.schema.comps.include.element.local : enum {"all", "complexType", "none"}
doc.schema.comps.include.complexTypes : boolean
doc.schema.comps.include.simpleTypes : boolean
doc.schema.comps.include.groups : boolean
doc.schema.comps.include.attributeGroups : boolean
doc.schema.comps.include.attributes : boolean

Specify whether to generate component summaries for particular components types.

Default Value:

The default values of these parameters are copied dynamically from the corresponding parameters in the group: Details | Fragments | Component Summary | Include


doc.schema.comps.sorting : boolean

With this parameter you can specify the sorting order of components.

The parameter has the following meaning:

  • When it is selected (true), the XSD components will be sorted alphabetically by their names (ignoring letter case).

    The component name is assumed to be that under which the component appears (is referenced to) at the given documentation location. This is typically the component qualified name (which is the actual namespace prefix plus the component local name). That, however, can be changed using the parameter: Show | Namespace Prefixes

    Additionally, in the case of local elements, the component name may also include a special extension used to distinguish the equally named local elements. For more details about this, please see the parameter: Show | Element Name Extensions

  • When the parameter is unselected (false), the XSD components are not sorted. In that case they will follow in a certain "physical" order produced according to the following.

    When components come from different XML schemas, first, they will be grouped by their schemas. The ordering of those groups is determined by what XSD files have been specified initially and how they reference (e.g. import) other XSD files.

    Within a group of components that belong to the same XML schema, they will follow in the same order as they are defined in that schema.

    This allows you to control a particular ordering of components (e.g. elements) by yourself. Simply define the most important components (e.g. an XML document's root element) on the top of the XML schema. If you have several schemas to document, specify the most important of them the first. That will produce the component ordering as you wish (or something close to it).

Default Value:
Provided by the parameter: Details | Fragments | Component Summary | Sorting

Component Profile

doc.schema.comps.profile : boolean

Specify whether to include in the summary item the Component Profile section, which shows some general information about the XSD component.

The exact content of the Component Profile is controlled by the parameter group:

Details | Fragments | Component Summary | Component Profile
Default Value:
Provided by the parameter: Details | Fragments | Component Summary | Component Profile
Related Templates:
elementProfile.tpl, typeProfile.tpl, groupProfile.tpl, attributeGroupProfile.tpl, globalAttributeProfile.tpl


doc.schema.comps.desc : enum {"full", "first_sentence", "optimal", "none"}

Specify if the component summary item should include the component description and which part of it.

The full description text is obtained from all <xs:documentation> elements found by the following path:
where 'xs:component' is the particular XML element that defines the component (e.g. xs:complexType).

See also the "Descriptions | XSD Annotations" parameter group, where you can specify how annotations are processed and displayed.

Possible Choices:


Include the full description.
"first sentence"
Include only the first sentence of the description text.
Include the first sentence of the description text. If that is not the whole text and the full description is included in the Component Documentation (or elsewhere), the link to it will be added at the end.
That will immediately indicate that there is more text and provide a quick link to it.
Do not include the component description.
Default Value:
Provided by the parameter: Details | Fragments | Component Summary | Description
Related Template:

Content Model Table

doc.schema.comps.model.tableRep : boolean

Specify if the component summary item should include the Content Model Table (i.e. possible attributes and child elements) defined by the component).

The exact content of such a representation is controlled by the parameter group:

Details | Fragments | Component Summary | Content Model Table
Default Value:
Provided by the parameter: Details | Fragments | Component Summary | Content Model Table
Applies To:
  • Elements
  • Complex Types
  • Element Groups
  • Attribute Groups
Related Template:

XML Source

doc.schema.xml : boolean

Specifies whether to includes in the Schema Overview the reproduced XML source of the whole XML schema.

Nested Parameters:

Control how the reproduced XML source will look and what it should include.
Related Template:

Separate File

doc.schema.xml.separate : boolean

Specify whether the XML schema source must be placed in a separate HTML file.

Some XML schemas may be large enough. When XML source of such a schema is included in the «Schema Overview» page (along with the schema description and component summaries), that page becomes difficult to manage in a web-browser. This parameter allows you to split it into two pages:

  • When the parameter is selected (true), the XML schema source will be reproduced in a separate page (schema-source.html file).
  • When the parameter is unselected (false), the XML schema source will be included at the end the «Schema Overview» page.
Related Template:

Enclose in Box

doc.schema.xml.box : boolean

Specifies if the reproduced XML should be enclosed in a box.

Remove <xs:annotation>

doc.schema.xml.remove.anns : boolean

Specifies whether to remove all <xs:annotation> elements from the reproduced XML source of the whole schema.

You may want to exclude the <xs:annotation> elements from the reproduced XML source because such elements may occupy a lot of space (especially, when you use XHTML to format your annotations), so they could overwhelm anything else making it difficult to read other important things. Moreover, the actual content of the <xs:annotation> elements may be already shown (as a formatted text) in the corresponding Description sections of the documentation.

See Also Parameters: