FlexDoc/XML - XSDDoc - Parameter Tree

About XSDDoc parameters

«Details | Component Documentation | Component Profile» parameter group

Parameter Name / Type / Description
Component Profile doc.comp.profile : boolean

Specifies whether to generate the Component Profile section, which contains the brief information about the component (such as which namespace it belongs to, where it is declared, type and content, etc.)

Applies To:

All components
Nested Parameters:
Control what exactly is included in the Component Profile section.
Related Templates:
elementProfile.tpl, typeProfile.tpl, groupProfile.tpl, attributeGroupProfile.tpl, globalAttributeProfile.tpl


doc.comp.profile.namespace : boolean

Specify whether to show the namespace which the given component belongs to.

Applies To:

All components


doc.comp.profile.type : boolean

Specify whether to show the component type information.

This is typically the name of a simple or complex global type which is specified in the 'type' attribute of the XSD element that defines the component. For example:

<xs:element name="minExclusive" type="xs:facet">
In the case of an anonymous type, which is defined within the component itself, the type information will include some details about how that type is derived.

Applies To:

  • Elements
  • Global Attributes
Related Template:

Derived By

doc.comp.profile.derivation : boolean

Specify whether to show the summary information about how the component is derived.

Applies To:

  • Simply Types
  • Complex Types
Related Template:


doc.comp.profile.content : boolean

Specify whether to show brief information about the content element model and attributes associated with the given component. In particular, this includes:

  • The element content type, which may be: simple, complex, mixed or empty. This applies to the components:
    • Elements
    • Complex Types
    (In the case of Element Groups, the element content is always complex. Simple Types always define simple content. Other components do not define element content.)
  • The number of attributes (including a wildcard attribute) associated with the given component. These are both the attributes defined within the component itself and inherited from its ancestors. This item applies to the components:
    • Elements
    • Complex Types
    • Attribute Groups
  • The number of content elements (including a wildcard) associated with the given component. These are both the content elements defined within the component itself and inherited from its ancestors. This item applies to the components:
    • Elements
    • Complex Types
    • Element Groups
Related Template:


doc.comp.profile.abstract : boolean

Specify whether to document 'abstract' attribute of the component.

Applies To:

  • Global Elements
  • Complex Types


doc.comp.profile.block : enum {"any", "non_default", "none"}

Specify whether to document 'block' attribute of the component.

For global elements and complex types, when block attribute is not specified, its default value is defined by the 'blockDefault' attribute of the parent <xs:schema>.

Possible Choices:
Document block attribute in any case both for the original and default value.
"non-default only"
Document block attribute only in the case when it is specified on this component. (No default value will be documented.)
Do not document block attribute.
Applies To:
  • Global & Local Elements
  • Complex Types
Nested Parameter Group:
Specify how to document the 'block' attribute value.
Related Templates:
elementBlockAttrInfo.tpl, typeBlockAttrInfo.tpl


doc.comp.profile.block.value : boolean

Specify whether to show the actual value of the 'block' attribute.


  • For global elements and complex types, when 'block' attribute is not specified on the component, its value will be taken from the 'blockDefault' attribute of the parent <xs:schema>.
  • Empty or blank value will be ignored (treated as no-value)


doc.comp.profile.block.meaning : boolean

Specify whether to include the text explaining the meaning of the actual 'block' attribute value.


doc.comp.profile.final : enum {"any", "non_default", "none"}

Specify whether to document 'final' attribute of the component.

For global elements and complex types, when final attribute is not specified, its default value is defined by the 'finalDefault' attribute of the parent <xs:schema>.

Possible Choices:
Document final attribute in any case both for the original and default value.
"non-default only"
Document final attribute only in the case when it is specified on this component. (No default value will be documented.)
Do not document final attribute.
Applies To:
  • Global Elements
  • Complex Types
  • Simple Types
Nested Parameter Group:
Specify how to document the 'final' attribute value.
Related Templates:
elementFinalAttrInfo.tpl, typeFinalAttrInfo.tpl


doc.comp.profile.final.value : boolean

Specify whether to show the actual value of the 'final' attribute.


  • For global elements and complex types, when 'final' attribute is not specified on the component, its value will be taken from the 'finalDefault' attribute of the parent <xs:schema>.
  • Empty or blank value will be ignored (treated as no-value)


doc.comp.profile.final.meaning : boolean

Specify whether to include the text explaining the meaning of the actual 'final' attribute value.


doc.comp.profile.subst : boolean

Specify whether to show the information about the substitution groups, in which this element is involved (i.e. affiliated, head or member of). This may include:

  • The list (or number) of elements which this element may substitute for.
  • The list (or number) of elements that may substitute for this element.
Applies To:
Global Elements
Nested Parameter Group:
Controls what exactly is included in the substitution group info.
Related Templates:

List of group heads

doc.comp.profile.subst.heads : boolean

Specify whether to show the list of the substitution group heads, which this element is member of. (In other words, these are the elements that this element may substitute for.)

When false (unselected), only the number of the substitutable elements will be printed along with the link to the «May substitute for elements» section in the «Element Documentation» (which, when specified, shows the same list).

See Also Parameter:

Details | Component | Related Components | Substitutable Elements

List of group members

doc.comp.profile.subst.members : boolean

Specify whether to show the list of the members of the substitution group, which this element is head of. (In other words, these are the elements that may substitute for this element.)

When false (unselected), only the number of the substituting elements will be printed along with the link to the "Can be substituted with elements" section in the Element Documentation (which, when specified, shows the same list).

See Also Parameters:


doc.comp.profile.nillable : boolean

Specify whether to document 'nillable' attribute of the element component.

Applies To:

Global Elements


doc.comp.profile.defined : boolean

Specify whether to show where the component is defined (in which XML schema).

For local elements, this section also shows the number of location where the particular local element is defined (or "used", in effect). For more details about how documenting of local elements works, please see the description of the parameter: Generate Details | Components | Elements | Local Elements
Applies To:
All components
See Also Parameters:
Details | Component | Definition Locations


doc.comp.profile.includes : boolean

Specify whether to show the number of attributes and content elements that are defined directly within this component (not inherited from its ancestor components). This includes:

  • The number of attributes (including a wildcard attribute) defined within this component. It applies to the components:
    • Elements
    • Complex Types
    • Attribute Groups
  • The number of content elements (including a wildcard) defined within this component. It applies to the components:
    • Elements
    • Complex Types
    • Element Groups


doc.comp.profile.redefines : boolean

Specify whether to show which component has been redefined by this component and where (see also below).

Applies To:

  • Complex Types
  • Simple Types
  • Element Groups
  • Attribute Groups


doc.comp.profile.redefined : boolean

Specify whether to show which component redefines this component and where (see also below).

Applies To:

  • Complex Types
  • Simple Types
  • Element Groups
  • Attribute Groups

Documenting of Redefined Components

A schema component may redefine other component when it is declared within an XSD <xs:redefine> element. When the XML schema, which is being redefined by this element, also contains a component with that name, such a component becomes redefined. It will be completely replaced by the redefining component within the namespace scope targeted by the schema.

The redefining component is typically based on the original component it redefines. It just extends or restricts it. Because of that, FlexDoc/XML XSDDoc will document both components.

See Also:

Documenting of redefinitions


doc.comp.profile.referenced : boolean

Specify whether to show the number of locations where the component is referenced from.

Applies To:

All global components
See Also Parameter Group:
Details | Component | Reference Locations